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Erin McInnis

At ELM Yoga, we believe that yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. Erin L McInnis has been a full-time yoga teacher since 2004, and her work is the culmination of extensive training and experience, including teacher trainings and workshops with top teachers and gurus worldwide. Our studio offers group classes through Oxygen Yoga, annual retreats and private classes, allowing our students to delve deeper into their yoga practice and progress at their own pace while building a loving and supportive community.


Erin McInnis

Erin McInnis

Erin L. McInnis: A Yoga Journey


Erin studied ballet and gymnastics at an early age and earned a B.Soc.SC from Ottawa U in 2000. She is a dedicated Professional Yoga Instructor, beginning her transformative yoga journey in 2004. Born with a passion for wellness and movement, Erin's exploration of yoga began with an immersive 9-week study under the guidance of Bikram in Los Angeles.


With a commitment to continuous learning, Erin furthered her expertise by studying under renowned teachers like Baron Baptiste and completing three distinct trainings. Her dedication culminated in a comprehensive 600-hour Teacher Training with Ana Forrest. This diverse training background equipped Erin with the skills to teach various yoga styles, including Hot, Power, Hatha, Vinyasa, Core, Yin Yoga, Pre-natal, and Restorative Yoga.

Erin McInnis

Erin is a registered Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500, a testament to her extensive experience and proficiency in the field. Her teaching style evolved to incorporate Fitness and Weight Training into her classes, adding a dynamic element to her yoga sessions since 2020.


Erin is passionate about helping clients of all levels through her Yoga and Training Programs. She is intent on improving her body, mind and spirit and has been sober in recovery since 2020. Her classes aim to enhance fitness and cardio levels through motivating workouts and yoga sessions. Whether leading large classes, intimate gatherings, or private one-on-one sessions, Erin's goal remains consistent — to facilitate healing, create space, and build strength within her clients' bodies. She strives to impart not only physical wellness but also tools for accessing a calm, peaceful sensation at any time.


Beyond traditional classes, Erin has created several yoga and fitness retreats in picturesque locations like Costa Rica, Mexico, and Bowen & Salt Spring Islands. These retreats offer participants a holistic experience, combining the benefits of yoga with the beauty of nature.


Erin's teaching extends beyond the physical postures. She incorporates beneficial hands-on adjustments and calming breath work, believing that focusing on body and breath creates a moving meditation within. Her passion lies in witnessing her clients succeed — witnessing increased energy, enhanced confidence, and the discovery of a profound calmness and peace from your skin within.


Erin is not just a yoga instructor; she is a guide, mentor, and catalyst for positive transformation in the lives of those she touches. Through her expertise, dedication, and passion, Erin continues to inspire others on their journey to wellness, embodying the true spirit of yoga.

Erin McInnis
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